
North American (US and Canada) based alumni can sign up here to join the CMUL Physical Therapy Alumni USA Inc., online community. After signing up for an account, please await an activation email from the System Administrator before you can login to your account. The Administrator MUST approve all sign up requests in order to prevent spammers and/or non-qualified sign ups. You must meet one of the following criteria for inclusion in our database:
  1. A physical therapist educated at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
  2. Currently residing, or practicing in the United States or Canada

Thank you for your co-operation.
Website Administrator

Personal data

Account data

Please choose a username

Please enter your password (at least 6 characters)

Please repeat your password

Criteria for Inclusion in CMUL Physical Therapy Alumni USA Inc., Database

Choose one Criterion for inclusion in the Nigerian PT Database

Fill ONLY If you earned your Entry-Level PT degree elsewhere, but MSc/PhD in PT from CMUL

Geographic Location


Additional data

You have to enter a valid e-mail address, so we can send you an activation code.


Newsletter Sign-Up

You can complete your profile after the registration process is finished.